Voting for the traitor, you will let the war continue - Serzh Sargsyan
"Over the past three years the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) passed through political repressions, was targeted by hate speech. There were numerous attempts to silence us, yet we never kept silence and gave in," Armenia's third president Serzh Sargsyan stated during his speech on the launch of the election campaign for the "The Salute of Honour and Respect" bloc.
"It is quite easy for me and my team mates to bring justifications such as 'we have warned,' 'we have predicted', However, this sounds as pointless words now. Those words will never bring back the life of 5000 fallen soldiers, the 75% of the lost territories of our motherland Artsakh, likewise they may never build houses for 35,009 refugees and restore our national dignity," Sargsyan said.
"Armenia has lost the respect and trust of its allies because of these traitors. This populist and immoral leadership has only succeeded in one thing - to humiliate the nation, weaken the state, lose the war and be doomed to a slow death," the former president said, adding the upcoming elections are a chance to overcome the death and revive.
Sargsyan stressed that during his tenure he has always tried to ensure unity and solidarity within the country and has never been a proponent of divisions within the public. He also spoke of the necessity to shut down the road to polarization in the society and consolidate the public.
"There are no two polars. We have the traitor capitulant with his minions on the one side and the people next to leading forces of the healthy political field on the other side. Our task is not to lead to another wave of divisions and polarization, but to destroy the capitulant leadership through the victory in elections," said Sargsyan.
"Voting for this traitor, you will agree to surrender of Artsakh and Syunik. We will let the war continue. It has been 27 days since the enemy military units are in the sovereign territory of our country. Every day shepherds and soldiers are captured. The enemy will take new villages and settlements. You will never be respected in Armenia and outside of it. We are destined to become an outcast state and people," Sargsyan warned, appealing to his supporters to talk to their friends and relatives who still suffer from 'nikolism'l help them open own eyes.
"To all our heroic martyrs, the solders who sacrificed their health for the homeland, the officers and their generations we owe a powerful Motherland. Returning the debt is a matter of dignity for any normal person, it is a matter of honour and we have the honour," Sargsyan concluded.