'Armenians of the World': Latest volume of book series is dedicated to Armenian philanthropists
Throughout time, Armenians had overcome many challenges, have always found the strength to revive, create and make their contribution in almost all fields. They never forgot their roots and identity while living in foreign countries and cherishing universal values. Paradoxical as it may be, today many of them are known only in narrow circles of professionals, even in Armenia. In order to fill this gap, starting 2011 Viva-MTS has presented the book series “Armenians of the World” in partnership with the Panarmenian Geographic Association.
Recently, the 13th volume of the book series, dedicated to Armenian philanthropists of the world, was presented to readers’ attention. Those presented in the volume are people who personify true humans whose characters guide us as role models in today’s life. This volume tells about Calouste Gulbenkian, Alexander Mantashyants, Mikael Aramyants, Paul Chater, Hovhannes Lazaryan, Poghos Nubar, Alex Manoogian, Kirk Kerkorian, Charles Aznavour, and Gerard Cafesjian. Their fame spreads well beyond Armenia. Cultural centers, churches, Armenian schools and other institutions built by Armenian philanthropists can be seen all over the world today. In addition, it was very important to include names of philanthropists, who had great contribution to the independence of the Republic of Armenia, Viva-MTS said in a press release on Wednesday.
The first four volumes of the book series " Armenians of the World”, published since 2011, are dedicated to about 800 Armenian monuments unveiled all over of the world. Then the series continues with publications dedicated to Armenians of the world (Armenian musicians, artists, filmmakers, influential women of the world). Among them, are both well-known personalities, as well as people known to only few. The book series is not for sale, but is available on the company’s website.
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