Zhoghovurd: RPA members consider depriving Z. Postanjyan of right to speak in parliament
‘Zhoghovurd’ paper writes citing its sources that in the past two days members of the ruling elite, especially MPs of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) have cudgeled their brains for some way of stopping the aggressive speeches of the head of Heritage faction Zaruhi Postanjyan in the parliament.
“The parliament heads realized that turning off the microphone during Z. Postanjyan’s speeches is not a way out. RPA members are looking for a way to forbid Zaruhi Postanjyan from attending the parliament sessions and depriving her of the right to make speeches.
At the same time they are aware that the rules of procedure of the National Assembly prevent them from doing it so turning off the microphone remains the only sanction against Postanjyan. On the other hand, each time the Heritage faction head makes a sharp remark about Serzh Sargsyan or the ruling elite, nerves of RPA representatives fail them”.