168 Zham: EEC membership problems have become difficult to hide
“168 Zham” newspaper reports that Deputy Finance Minister Vakhtang Mirumyan clarified the situation associated with the introduction of VAT paid on imported cars from the Eurasian Economic Community countries.
The newspaper notes that EEC Minister Tatiana Volovaya said that Armenia charges 20% VAT for cars imported from Russia, which is against the EEC legal framework. It seems that Mirumyan put an end to this deadlock yesterday stating that within the legal framework VAT is paid in Armenia for car import from any EEC country.
However, he also informed that since January 1, 2017 VAT for imported cars from EEC countries wouldn’t be paid to tax authorities as a transition period in the accession agreement was set until January 1, 2017.
Yet the real problem still remains and is much deeper. That is, hiding EEC membership problems has become more difficult.