Gazprom to send working group to continue talks over natural gas price for Armenia
The matter of the gas price supplied to Armenia is multifaceted, Armenia’s deputy PM Mher Grigoryan told reporters on Friday when asked to comment on the ongoing talks with the Russian side over the natural gas price supplied to Armenia.
“You may not imagine all the components of the matter discussed and subject to further discussions, thus I would refrain to form expectations for now since we have much work ahead,” the deputy minister said.
At a remark about speculations that gas price will rise from January 2020, Grigoryan replied: “I have not received any official message about that.”
Asked whether there is a political will to buy Iranian gas instead of the Russian, Grigoryan said the government actions are guided by the interests of the Armenians and no restraints may be the case with that.
In response to a question whether the gas price issue is expected to be settled finally during Russian President Putin’s visit to Armenia in October, the deputy minister said: “I would not want to form such expectations and suggest instead to focus on the talks and the discussion of its components.” Grigoryan added, a working group from Gazprom is set to arrive in Armenia for another round of negotiations.