Safe online shopping. A few tips from Converse Bank
Converse Bank has shared several tips for safe online shopping. According to the publication by the Bank, every day, two percent of internet shoppers in the world fall victim to fraud. The figure is small only at first glance. As of 2020, the number of people shopping online in the world has reached about 1.92 billion (about 5.27 million people per day). Along with the growth of online shopping, the rate of financial fraud on the Internet is also growing,
It is noted that despite the increased interest in the Internet, the effectiveness of the fight against cybercrime around the world is very low - about one percent, according to last year data, which is due to the fact that such cases are not reported to the police, as well as the difficulty and long time required to detect them.
So, in order not to fall victim to fraud and lose money when shopping online, it is easier to take precautions in advance, before shopping and save your nerves and time, than to try to recover the money spent in a site registered in another country or a fake seller. So:
First of all, make sure that the website you have accessed, is authentic, say ebay.com, and not, for example, ebuy.com. You will be able to pay on a fake website, but you will never receive your product or service. Check your site ranking with customer feedback.
Pay attention to the security of data exchange with the site. Keep in mind that the HTTPS note in the upper left corner of the browser in green or the lock mark means an added security guarantee.
Do not shop on sites that require a Social Security Number (SSN), Passport Serial Number. Use a complex password containing uppercase + lowercase + number + character.
Try not to leave your card information on websites, they have "cached memory", which can be used by cyber-criminals; There are safer options for shopping. For example, Converse Bank Visa virtual card. It is safe because it does not provide access to your funds and personal information.
Another advantage of Visa Virtual is that it is virtual. You can never lose a card that does not physically exist.
The oversight of the Bank is performed by the Central Bank of Armenia.