Armenia marks Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 8, Qahana.am reports.
The birth of the Holy Mother of God in not described in the Holy Bible. We learn about it from the Holy Tradition of the Church. The parents of the Holy Virgin, Joachim and Anna, did not have children for many years. Once, when Anna goes to the garden to pray, suddenly God’s Angel appears to her and tells her that she will have a baby.
Anna thanks God for hearing her prayers and promises to present her baby to God. Joachim also has the same vision. He also renders glory to God for deserving him that grace and offers sacrifice.
Anna gives birth to a girl, who is named Mary, which means “Illuminated”. It was she whom God granted the grace to be the Mother of God. As mother she worried, suffered for her Son, but never opposed to God very well understanding the importance of the mission entrusted to her by God.