Azerbaijan destroys fallen heroes memorial in Artsakh village
Azerbaijani forces have destroyed a memorial honoring fallen war heroes in Hakaku, a village in the Hadrut region of Azerbaijani-occupied Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), the Artsakh Monument Watch reports.
It says a video posted on some Armenian Telegram channels on 15 January shows Azerbaijani troops stationed near the memorial erected in memory of those who fell defending the village during the first Artsakh war in the early 1990s.
“The video reveals that the memorial plaques are broken and desecrated. The Azerbaijani troops in the video show the broken memorial plaques with assault rifles, using swear words, turning them over and hitting them. Some of the memorial plaques bear traces of gunshots,” the watchdog said in a statement on Thursday.
“It is difficult to say exactly when the memorial complex was desecrated. Taking into account that Azerbaijani soldiers are stationed in many parts of the occupied Hadrut region, according to Azerbaijani videos, they are probably the ones who defiled the memorial,” it added.
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