ECHR found violations in 15 judgments delivered for Armenia in 2024
For Armenia, the ECHR delivered 16 judgments in 2024 in respect of 16 applications. In 15 out of 16 judgments a violation was found, in one judgment no violation was found. In 6 judgments, the right to liberty and security was found to be violated, in 3 judgments – the right to freedom of expression, the court said in its annual report.
52 applications were declared inadmissible or struck out as compared to 510 in 2023 and 177 in 2022.
The total statistics for 2024 show that the reforms and strategies put in place over the past years have borne fruit.
The number of pending applications is still high (60,350), but this is a decrease of 8,100 (11.8%) since the end of 2023 and 14,300 (19.2%) since the end of 2022.
Almost three quarters of pending applications concern five states – Türkiye (21,600), Russia (8,150), Ukraine (7,700), Romania (3,850) and Greece (2,600); 80% of the pending priority applications come from the same five countries.
The countries with the highest number of judgments finding at least one violation in 2024 were the following:
1. Russia (302 out of 302 judgments)
2. Ukraine (153 out of 158)
3. Türkiye (67 out of 73)
4. Italy (51 out of 58)
5. Romania (49 out of 58)
For Armenia, 949 applications were pending by the end of 2024, as compared to 836 applications pending by the end of 2023, and 1,232 in the end of 2022.
The annual report mentions Armenia in the context of inter-state cases pending before the court. Armenia brought four inter-state against Azerbaijan and one against Turkey, while Azerbaijan brought two cases against Armenia.
In addition to the 12 inter-state cases concerning conflicts, there are also approximately 10,500 individual applications which stem from those same conflicts.